Real-Time Website Monitoring

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What is "Real-Time Website Monitoring"?

Are We Online will monitor your website as often as your selected monitoring service requires. You can select to check your website uptime every 5 minutes or every 2 hours, and everything in between. Are We Online doesn't read web logs or server error logs, instead we make real HTTP and HTTPS requests to your site. We are able to replicate user experience by avoiding delayed reporting techniques.
Are We Online is designed to validate that your website is up and running at all times. We know that there are few second chances on the internet, especially when search engines stop crawling at 404 errors. If your website is down, users will simply move on to the next domain, or jump back to the search results.

How Can Real-Time Server Monitoring and Real-Time Website Monitoring Improve Search Engine Ranking?

Google tracks user patterns - including how long they spend on a site before jumping back to the search results. When your website's not online, users will instantly jump back to the search results. Google tracks this user behavior as though the user went to your website, didn't equate your content with that they searched for, and returned to the search engine. These knocks on your quality ratings can negatively impact your webpage's PageRank and your website's DomainRank.
Are We Online's real-time website monitoring and server monitoring service helps cut down Bounce Rate, 404 errors, and 503 errors. Which ultimately means the search engines will more easily index all of your web pages, hit fewer road blocks while crawling, and perceive the quality of your content to be higher than before.